At Bredemann & Shellander PLC, We take the time to get to know you and understand your needs so we can personalize your legal documents. You will be able to breathe easier knowing that your wishes will be accurately expressed, even after you are no longer able to give voice to them.
Effective estate planning is more than just preparing documents. It is about understanding and accurately reflecting what you want in an effective estate planning structures to help you achieve peace of mind about the future. At Bredemann & Shellander we personally guide you through the process. We assist clients throughout Arizona and Wisconsin with both simple and complex estate plans.
At a minimum, everyone should have a Will to express his/her wishes regarding guardians for minor children and nominate a personal representative to handle your estate after you die. When properly drafted, a Will allows you to name individuals or organizations to receive your assets after you die. These recipients are called beneficiaries.
Although the state of Arizona does recognize handwritten, or holographic wills, writing your own will can be risky. A holographic will is one that is handwritten by you. If done incorrectly, the court may deem your Will to be invalid. Family members might contest it or you may leave out important clauses, leading to confusion and delayed distribution of your assets and expensive legal proceedings to determine what you meant.
Our experienced attorneys can help you avoid mistakes when creating your last will and testament, ensuring that your wishes will be carried out and your assets distributed as efficiently as possible after your death.
Additional Information
- What is an estate?
- Why is it important to plan now?
- When is it important to update an existing Estate Plan?
- What is the difference between a Living Will and Living Trust?
- Why is an Advance Health Care Directive Important?
- What is a Durable Power of Attorney?
- Guardianships and Conservatorships
At Bredemann Shellander, PLC, we help protect our clients' by offering estate, tax, and general business planning services. You can rely on our 65+ combined years of experience to provide high-quality service with a personal touch.
Believing that our clients deserve expert advice, every case is handled personally by one of our attorneys and who develop solutions tailored to your needs. Our attorneys are experienced in providing high quality and comprehensive tax, estate and, business planning documents including: